After its introduction in December 2018 Flutter did win many battles and lead to reduced code development time.

Advantages of Flutter 2.0

If you are amongst the ones who find themselves in a slight dilemma about the use of Flutter 2. Then, the following benefits of Flutter 2.0 as an app development service tool will make you believe how crucial this Flutter version is.

  • The hot reload feature in Flutter 2.0 results in reduced time for code development. Furthermore, it eliminates the long time duration involved in shipping the codes into test devices.
  • Flutter 2.0 makes it possible to reuse code base for all the targeted platforms which facilitate cross-platform functioning.
  • This version is compatible with various operating systems making it easier to save numerous works –hours and focus on better marketing.
  • Initially, only the native app development processes were widely adopted but Flutter 2.0 has given a big boost to the hybrid app development ecosystem too.
  • The use of Flutter 2.0 allows users to experience a world beyond mobile with its functionalities for web and desktop embeddings.

Similarly, if the community explores shortcomings in this version as well. Then it would lead to the introduction of a more advanced and refined version. As a result, the iOS and Android App Development has more room to let improvement be a part of the development process.