With both Android and iOS operating systems dominating the mobile market for a long time now create the dilemma for businesses to choose between any of these applications. As a result, businesses take this decision based on certain aspects comprising – better user experience, shorter development cycle, compatibility with multiple platforms, and much more. However, businesses end up compromising on one or the other aspect during the mobile app development stage by going ahead with one type of mobile application completely. In such a situation React Native emerges as the suitable option.

What is React Native?

React Native is a development platform that facilitates hybrid App development. As a result, it ensures simplicity in web app development and strengthens native app performance too. Furthermore, it also allows quicker mobile app development with the use of JavaScript. Thus, it is simpler to combine the features of Swift, Objective -C or Java with React Native. Facebook’s React Native App is an excellent example of this as that leverages the functionalities of both Native App and Hybrid Apps (React Native).

Benefits Of Using React Native For Hybrid App Development

React Native which is a popular hybrid app development platform makes it simpler for businesses to create customized mobile applications. Besides this there are several reasons that make React Native the popular platform choice for developing desired mobile applications –

Suitable For iOS And Android
Since React Native makes it possible to facilitate the development of mobile applications that are suitable for both iOS and Android, therefore businesses do not have to be worried about developing different applications for different platforms as the same code can be used for multiple operating systems.

Reusable Components
The components of React Native are built in such a way that they can be reused for any native platform. Since all the components have similar counterparts in this application, therefore it allows developers to maintain consistency. Moreover, it is easier to add any native UI components to the existing app’s code with React Native.

Highly Efficient
React Native is highly efficient when compared to Native App Development as the former offers higher developer productivity with lesser deployment time.

Third-party Plugin Compatibility
Alongside, most of the third–party plugins are compatible with the React Native framework. This indicates that developers do not have to rely on any external application or Webview for the execution of certain functions. As a result, it saves memory and loads faster too.

Future Of React Native For Hybrid App Development

There has been a shift towards React Native or hybrid app development over the last several years among mobile app developers from many sectors and disciplines. The following is a summary of its importance in the creation of mobile apps in the future:

• Given the numerous benefits it provides developers, such as quicker development, code reuse, and shorter loading times, this trend will continue to grow quickly in 2018. When compared to native apps, the demand for hybrid apps is undoubtedly growing as businesses want apps that are easier to use and cross-platform compatible.

• Alongside, businesses can develop the product quickly and get it to market before their rivals thanks to the hybrid apps. Due to their competitive advantage, some large businesses actively prefer to design their apps using React Native.

Final Words

Ideally, it is difficult to choose between hybrid and native applications as both have their share of advantages and disadvantages. Undoubtedly, Native apps are the wiser choice when developing stable and well-performing software is the target. However, today the majority of businesses want to create mobile applications as quickly as feasible while being compatible with all platforms. As this approach helps them to market their product way faster than their rivals do. Thus, for such organizations React Native or Hybrid App Development is the ultimate tech stack.