Web Watch

Tech Stack

//To develop this interesting project we used tech stacks such as

Project Introduction

//Project brief

WebWatch is an innovative online platform designed primarily for photographers who want to track and monitor the usage of their photographs across the internet. The platform provides users with the ability to see where their images have been uploaded or used, offering crucial insights into how their work is being distributed and utilized. This is especially useful for managing copyright and ensuring that their intellectual property is respected and compensated appropriately.

Project Requirements


  • 1
    A robust database system to store user details, uploaded images, and tracking data securely.
  • 2

    A user-friendly, intuitive interface that allows photographers to easily upload their images, track usage, and receive notifications of any matches.

  • 3

    Ability to integrate with various platforms and social media sites to scan and check for image usage.

  • 4

    Ensuring the platform complies with digital copyright laws and privacy regulations across different jurisdictions.


Project Outcome


Upon completion, the WebWatch platform proved to be highly effective in providing photographers with critical information regarding the use of their photos online. It enhanced their ability to manage and protect their intellectual property rights, offering peace of mind and potentially reducing unauthorized use through timely detection and alerts. The feedback from initial users highlighted the platform’s efficiency and user-friendliness, confirming its potential to revolutionize how photographers control the distribution and usage of their work on the internet. As a result, WebWatch not only helped photographers enforce their copyright protections but also served as a deterrent against the unauthorized use of digital images.