
Tech Stack

//To develop this interesting project we used tech stacks such as

Project Introduction

//Project brief

IntrigoX is an interactive, gamified platform designed to enhance English language learning through a series of engaging modules and advanced technological integrations. The platform features user registration and authentication, ensuring a personalized learning experience. The homepage serves as the central hub, directing users to various specialized modules including The Journey Module, which guides users through a narrative learning path; the Training Module, which encompasses immersive language exercises; and a Tips Module that offers educational content in various formats. Key features include AI-based voice recognition for accurate speech assessment and open-source APIs to facilitate this. The scoring system awards points for performance, introducing a competitive element. IntrigoX also incorporates a progress tracker visually represented by a map, enhancing user motivation by showing clear progress through the curriculum. Interactive elements include a Chatbot with multi-lingual support across 30 subjects, flashcard games for vocabulary and grammar practice, and targeted speech drills. Payment integration ensures a seamless transaction experience for accessing premium content.

Project Requirements


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    Secure user registration and authentication system.

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    Integration of AI and open-source speech recognition software for the speech assessment.

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    Development of a dynamic scoring system and a progression tracker to visually display user achievements and progress.

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    Creation of interactive elements such as a chatbot supporting 30 topics in multiple languages, flashcard-based games for reinforcing language concepts, and speech drills utilizing AI technology.

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    Implementation of a static “Tips” section filled with textual, audio, and video educational content.

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    Effective payment integration to manage subscriptions and purchases within the platform.

Project Outcome



Upon completion, IntrigoXl provides a comprehensive, user-friendly platform that significantly enhances the English learning process through technology and gamification. Users will benefit from personalized learning experiences that adapt to their individual skill levels and progress. The variety of engaging modules and interactive tools like AI-powered chatbots, flashcards, and speech recognition drills aim to maintain high levels of user engagement and motivation. The platform’s structure, with its emphasis on overcoming language learning obstacles and continuous assessment through a point-based reward system, is designed to ensure consistent user progress and improvement in English proficiency.