Admit and Go

Tech Stack

//To develop this interesting project we used tech stacks such as

Project Introduction

//Project brief

“Admit and Go” is an educational game designed for students in grades 8 through 12 in the United States. It focuses on broadening their general awareness beyond the traditional school curriculum. The aim is to equip students with knowledge and skills that differentiate them in competitive environments, potentially enhancing their academic and extracurricular profiles. The game employs a point system to assess each participant’s level of general awareness, encouraging engagement through rewards and recognition for high achievers.

Project Requirements


  • 1

    Create a comprehensive set of topics that cover a wide range of subjects beyond standard educational material, possibly including current events, technology trends, cultural literacy, and practical life skills.

  • 2

    Develop an interactive platform that is engaging and user-friendly for teenagers. This includes graphical interfaces, gameplay mechanics, and a scoring system.

  • 3

    Implement assessment tools within the game to measure knowledge retention and understanding, providing feedback to students and educators.

  • 4

    Establish a system of rewards that motivates students, such as badges, certificates, or even potential scholarship opportunities for top performers.

  • 5

    Ensure that the game is accessible to all students, including those with disabilities, and is sensitive to cultural and demographic diversity.

Project Outcome


The anticipated outcome of the "Admit and Go" project is to foster a greater sense of curiosity and knowledge among middle and high school students, preparing them better for both academic and real-world challenges. By engaging with the game, students can improve their general knowledge, which is crucial for holistic development and can give them a competitive edge in school admissions and other areas. Rewards and recognition serve to motivate continued participation and excellence, contributing to a well-rounded educational experience. Successful implementation of this game will not only enhance students' learning experiences but also promote a culture of continuous learning and intellectual growth.