Several companies have incorporated this concept into their businesses to deliver highly engaging user experiences since 2015. Progressive Web Applications have delivered considerable conversions to industry giants like Twitter, Alibaba, Trivago, Walmart, and more. The success stories of PWA is alluring to all business type be they small, mid-sized, or large. Thus, PWA is helping businesses to head toward growth. So, isn’t it important to understand what this wonderful tech stack is?

What is Progressive Web App?

As the name goes by, PWA is a web application that uses the latest technologies to enhance web capabilities and provide a native-app-like experience to users. Its prime focus is to bring consistency between web and native apps to replace both with one application. Thus, Progressive Web App is an advanced version of the web and native app, as it looks like a website and behaves like a native app. Also, it can easily be added to the home screen of the smart phone, facilitate push notifications, and allows working in offline mode too. Thus, PWA is a highly reliable, fast, responsive, engaging, and interactive web application that is highly progressive in nature.

Why Does E-Commerce Need a Progressive Web App?

Today 60% of the business traffic comes from the mobile which clearly indicates that mobile traffic is surpassing desktop traffic. However, even if the mobile traffic is growing, the conversion rates still account for only 16% of the total conversions with the native apps. Alternatively, according to Google reports, when an E-commerce store switches to a Progressive Web App it witnesses a 20% boost in its revenue, and in some cases conversion rate on mobile doubles. As a result, both new and existing web shop considers delivering services as a Progressive Web App not just as a standard online store. Since the majority of E-commerce websites have not adopted this technological advancement thus they remain deprived of rare and exciting opportunities.

How Progressive Web App Supports E-Commerce Operations?

The advanced functionalities of the PWA features have made the E-Commerce ecosystem highly progressive and seamless. Such advanced features of PWA are an extended version for native apps and keep the businesses always a step ahead.

Improved User Adoption through Home Screen Installation Facility

PWA provides a highly engaging experience by providing direct and easy access to the users. Usually, people don’t prefer downloading mobile apps on their smart phones but Progressive Web Apps are the simplest to download which can be done by visiting the web link and accepting the prompt. Flipkart saw 60% improved customer retention through Flipkart PWA which was otherwise declining through native apps.

Boosting User Engagement with Push Notifications

Push notifications have a big advantage when it comes to building user engagement. Since notifications appear directly on a person’s phone it is considered an impactful way to grab users’ attention. According to Google reports around 60% of the PWA users keep their PWA notifications active which increases the chances of people opening and clicking the web push notification by 2.5 times more.

Excellent Loading Time
Multiple reports suggest that 53% of visitors leave the website or app after just 3 seconds of waiting which decreases the loading time by 21.8% which was a usual problem with the native apps However, Progressive Web Apps which are designed with extra smoothness and excellent user experiences allow loading time between 1 second to 3 seconds. The BookMyShow’s PWA acts as a game changer for it as it takes less than 3 seconds to load and hence increased the conversion rates by 80%. Furthermore, its PWA app is 54 times smaller than Android App and 180 times smaller than iOS App.

Assists in SEO Practices
Since PWA is a web-based application, therefore it is easily discoverable by search engines. Any content on the PWA can be linked to Google and Bing for better ranking and also allow search engine robots to crawl through content and break the barrier between web and native apps. They make use of JavaScript flexibility to discover, crawl, and index content that was historically running poorly.

Increased Conversion Rates
PWA presents huge opportunities to deliver a full-fledged experience to the users coming to the online business store. The reports suggest that Alibaba, an E-commerce store experienced 76% higher conversions through browsers, 14% more on iOS, and 30% more on Android devices. Not just this company witnessed a 400% higher interaction rate from its “Add to Home screen” feature. O the other hand, Lancôme saw a 17% rise in their conversions of which 53% came from increased mobile sessions of the users. Also, push notifications contributed to increased conversions by 8%.

Do You Also Need Progressive Web Application For Your Shop/Store?

PWA has indeed proved a game-changer for the various E-Commerce stores which were struggling to grow. So, if you feel your business also needs PWA to create a better difference, then why not get in touch and build your E-Commerce ecosystem together? Our proficient team of developers is excellent at their jobs and can certainly add better value to your business goals. Want to know how can we help? Visit us at and find your answers here.